Article voiceover
So long, and thanks for all the fish and longings, if I had a dish, I’d serve you but these plates have been disturbed, too earth quakes when wicked words tuned to dissociate and disillusion find their home in udder confusion, milkin’ it for all it’s worth, academies of science first humanities? rely on worse, insanity? it is our curse. so as cursive falls to winky face, emojis replace the subtle taste of eloquent diction eggplant eggplant cocktail dripping dresses off of swaying hip things 🍆🍆🍸💦💃 #RealityIsStrangerThanFiction and way more addictin’ that’s why their de-pict-thing is such a prick thing, a control what we see and we can’t exist thing, so why don’t we all just get on with co-exis-sting? — that’s my wish; So long, and thanks for all the fish.