How can you tell? It's when the grooves form stars to swell with latin swelter the rhythm deeply felt, their echoes playing helter skelter minds-to-melt-wear. It's a dark forest, better not to let them hear you belt where. F'r me, it's a paradox, how space can be so devoid of thought and yet filled with rocks that roll tumbling without control at least we earthlings, we have Sol y solo que sera Here we are the dust of stars moved to the exhaust of tar distilled from lives that never are returning like the hydrogen the stars are burning yearning only for a keen discerning eye to read their secrets from the Dance of Skies
I like the last stanza. The lines “yearning only for a discerning eye / to read their secrets from the Dance of skies” in particular are fantastic. I think your ability to craft an image with vivid language and also address a profound topic is remarkable. Combining those elements makes for a great poem!
Thank you so much! Also one of my favorite lines, for sure. That and, "F'r me, it's a paradox..." If you enjoyed these so far, I hope you stick around for what's coming this month -- there are many more vivid images, profound topics of discussion, and memorable lines landing soon.
I like the last stanza. The lines “yearning only for a discerning eye / to read their secrets from the Dance of skies” in particular are fantastic. I think your ability to craft an image with vivid language and also address a profound topic is remarkable. Combining those elements makes for a great poem!
Thank you so much! Also one of my favorite lines, for sure. That and, "F'r me, it's a paradox..." If you enjoyed these so far, I hope you stick around for what's coming this month -- there are many more vivid images, profound topics of discussion, and memorable lines landing soon.