Essence of science, it is lyrical the evidence, empirical, lain out before, just wait with baited ears the grandeur of the universe, in microcosm here quixotic chemistries, the nemeses of every C student, you see in alchemic talk, sedation but we won't take your reduction intellectual seduction organic in induction, can be catalyzed by crystallized mind candy bass, just like your passion - neutralize ignorance with acid. Eponymous taxonomist, concede sprout within your supervision, knowledge of phylogeny, with plodding patience, catalog varieties of snake and frog grasp every branch and leaf and twig the whorls of life's ancestral tree from knowing what we were know who we'll be. A lyrical empiricist my lust, Science, clear evidence lain out before, she waits with baited ears the grandeur of our universe, in microcosm hear the resurrection of a thousand suns incorporated, in the ones that listen now, that dream of knowing every how, they scheme Promethean to kindle understanding from reverberated echoes of their passing with spindling of instruments, weave deeper truths within your sensors. Natural Philosophers? My hat is off to you.
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Taxonomy of Truth
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Essence of science, it is lyrical the evidence, empirical, lain out before, just wait with baited ears the grandeur of the universe, in microcosm here quixotic chemistries, the nemeses of every C student, you see in alchemic talk, sedation but we won't take your reduction intellectual seduction organic in induction, can be catalyzed by crystallized mind candy bass, just like your passion - neutralize ignorance with acid. Eponymous taxonomist, concede sprout within your supervision, knowledge of phylogeny, with plodding patience, catalog varieties of snake and frog grasp every branch and leaf and twig the whorls of life's ancestral tree from knowing what we were know who we'll be. A lyrical empiricist my lust, Science, clear evidence lain out before, she waits with baited ears the grandeur of our universe, in microcosm hear the resurrection of a thousand suns incorporated, in the ones that listen now, that dream of knowing every how, they scheme Promethean to kindle understanding from reverberated echoes of their passing with spindling of instruments, weave deeper truths within your sensors. Natural Philosophers? My hat is off to you.